Tuesday, June 8, 2010

First Experience


Today I'm writing about being on my first set. Im a first semester college student. I took 2 film classes, a film production class and a Intern class. Im glad I took the intern class cause me and my film teacher wasnt working. He decided to only do editing this semester. the ENTIRE semester. I swear I got SO tired of editing that damn Gunsmoke clip that it was recited in my damn dreams. My intern class started and I started learning all the facets of film(which i'll blog about another day), which was alot and i LOVED every minute learning about it. In the middle of the semester is when we really got hands on in my intern class. We made a movie! A silent movie but a movie nonetheless. I was makeup/hair. Figures. Imma girl. It was AWESOME. I love my crew. We really became close like a family all those days we shot. I remember we were really close after day 1 because we shot from 4:30 pm to 2am the nxt morning! We ate Hungry Howies and laughed so much during break and in between scenes. *sigh* I love those guys. Hopefully we'll make something shake later on in life. i believe we will *wink* Just in this one semsester I learned so much. You can never learn enough and I dont plan on stopping anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. The girl who is wearing a pink shirt got beautiful hair!
